Wishing my visitors / lurkers / regular "stoppers by" a great 2009
We have just dished our satellite TV subscription. The channels are a complete waste of money, nothing but repeats and cheap American sitcoms. Quality news reporting is easier to find online. An unexpected bonus is I have realised how much more time I have now I don’t flop in front of the box at the end of a busy day.
So, advertising for the new high tech screens and entering the digital TV age has been somewhat lost on us.
A tangential thought. Simultaneous with dumping the TV, I am using my reading glasses more. I have a pair to keep by the bed – the other pair always accompany me with my book to cafes; hubby reads the paper, I indulge in a tome or two. A few days ago I left my glasses on whilst eating at a cafĂ©. I nearly fell over. My food was so interesting. I could see the dates in the scone, I could see the cocoa on the moccachino – a whole new world has opened up to me through fine tuned prescription glasses.
This afternoon I could see the pattern on my husband’s ice cream cone! Wow, I love my reading glasses.
From now on, I want my dessert digital, not analog!
My husband has become familiar with a little ditty that I have started to sing this winter inside our walk-in closet. It is resembles a certain Monty Python song to do with lumberjacks. The focus of my rendition concerns thermal underwear.
This winter I couldn’t have lived without my thermal leggings and long sleeved undershirt. There is an amazing company in NZ called Kathmandu, which produces every kind of thermal accoutrement imaginable (not boxers or thongs – sorry!).
So I have developed an early morning ice dance around the closet singing “I love my blue Kathmandus, Kathmandus, Kathmandus, Kathmandus!”
It’s not a sight for the faint-hearted.
This morning I declared from the wardrobe. “Sweetie, just so you know, I want to be buried in my Kathmandus!”
Clothes to die for……….
This morning I treated myself to new rubber gloves to wash up with (yes, I know, I lead a sad existence!).
I was delighted when I opened the pack to find three gloves, all for one hand.
Anyone out there have an alien butler with three right arms? If so, have I got a deal for you!