Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Goodbye green and hairy

At the risk of this blog turning into something that sounds food obsessed, I have a sad report to make. There are not likely to be many gooseberry pies or crumbles in our household for a while. My dad called me tonight from the UK. He was very depressed that his gooseberry crop this year was only 3.5lbs. The problem has been the lack of rain. So the normally abundant north east of England is not getting good fruit crops.

The lack of goosegog pie on our menu in the southern hemisphere is also due to lack of rain. Our country depends heavily on hydro electricity. Due to low water levels in the lakes, we are anticipating power cuts and shortages at peak periods. So pie baking will be verboten. We’ll cook on the gas rings and go pudding-less.

Mercifully, we can keep warm by storing a cat inside our jumpers!

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