Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Watery Wednesday

Mana Harbour, N. Island
Another great idea - posting photos of water. Living in New Zealand this will NOT be a problem. Check out


Martha Z said...

I doubt it will be a problem. We visited your lovely country a couple of years ago and 80% of my photos had water.

Arija said...

I am so glad I came upon your blog through Watry Wednesday!
Lovely water shot...and the rest.

Anonymous said...

It must simply be beautiful there! Gorgeous view!

Unknown said...

A beautiful shot of Mana and memories of home for this homesick expat !!!

I originally from Wellington, so this scene is so familiar !!

Nice to see another Kiwi on board .. you might also like to check out 'My World Tuesday' and 'Skywatch Friday' ...two other great photo memes.

srp said...

Beautiful reflections in an oh, so calm water... lovely.