Monday, 8 February 2010

A box of Cookie

We bought a new office chair at the weekend. The happy "side show" was that the cats got a new house to lounge in on our verandah. The first photo was taken pointing the camera through the cat flap. Her majesty was not amused.


sparrow said...

Oh dear, poor you. I sympathise. Otto has to take 2 tablets a day. I crush them with a spoon and mix them in the fresh meat. Goes down a treat. I think it helps to smother the taste to give them something with blood (sorry if that is offensive to you). We get prepacked cat meat with offcuts of beef/lamb etc. The cats love it, and it works out cheaper than the tinned stuff because they eat less and don't waste it.
I'm guessing Harry is now Halle, since he is Chinese:-)

Jen said...

he reminds me of children
they often like the packaging of objects

sparrow said...

I agree Jen. My two cats love boxes and brown paper bags.