On my walk to the station was the bunny. A small black and white chap hopping around close to the neighbour who works for the SPCA (a great charity working for animal welfare). This little fellow was breakfasting on the “over the road” verge, revising the age old question to “why did the bunny cross the road?” – obvious really; the grass was more plentiful. He would have dodged cars, bicycles and the recycling collection to get there. When we introduced ourselves, I noticed he had a long scar running between his ears. Oh mercy - a vivisection rescue! That made me want to cry and smile. Here he was, large as life, being given a second chance to do bunny things.
The next encounter was a bright green neural pathway on the pathway – a massive bunch of wild fennel leaning against the bridge over the stream near our railway station – a herbal computer sending important messages up the line.
At lunchtime on the way back to the office I almost dropped my sushi when I randomly spied President Saakashvili of Georgia! He was being given a traditional Maori Powhiri, complete with warrior challenge and much shouting and aggression in front of our Parliament building. It was all softened by the friendly smiling soldiers of the NZDF and the RAF band playing cheerful music as he walked up the red carpet. I'd like to think he was planning to recruit a few Maori warriors to help him with a few issues "back home".
Me, I got back to my desk all of a flutter and didn't know my Saakashvili from my Sushikashvili.
1 comment:
He (Pres) certainly gets around. Hope the tips were useful! Time will tell.
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