I didn't play with dolls. I preferred jigsaws and teddy bears. So to be so fascinated by dolls was unusual. I suspect this, and the BBC adaptation of "War and Peace" in 1971, was to start my lifelong fascination for Russia.
I acquired my first set of nesting dolls during a trip to Russia in 1990 (my first visit). Three more sets have joined them since - only the traditional design. The more modern "trap the tourist" type, produced in quantities worthy of a Five Year Plan, hold no real attraction for me.
For years I have intended making my own version of a Russian Doll. I don't do woodwork, so I thought I would sew one instead. This weekend, I finally got around to making her. Here she is, my prototypskaya. I may make more, if the whim takes me, but for the moment, Natalya will do well.
Oh, how wonderful! She's very sweet :)
Well done!
Here in the Twin Cites, we have The Museum of Russian Art. When I visited several years ago, they had a traveling exhibition of Matryoshka dolls. It was amazing! If you visit their online website, you can see a short video of some of the many sets they showed. Just click on Exhibitions and then Traveling Exhibitions. It looks like you have a great start to creating something unique!
Thanks for the tip Ms Sparrow, I will definitely check that out.
She is beautiful, Jane! Love it! I will be sharing with my friend, Yanina!
Thank you for all your encouraging comments, I am planning to start another one tonight:-)
Very nicely done, looks professional! I would like to see some other expressions as well, including with open eyes. Success to you!
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