Thursday 10 September 2009

Missing in Action

Have you ever noticed that there are certain items in the universe that can never be found at the point or time of need? In my household these include:
1) replacement staples
2) matching knee-high socks
3) a new tub of baking powder (by spring there are 4 tubs lurking in the dark corners of the pantry)
4) Sticking plasters for cuts
5) Tape measure
6) Electric fuses
7) Replacement batteries for the garage remote/tv remote/digital camera
8) Padlocks for suitcases.

You probably have your own list.

I think this would be a great starting point for a creative wedding or new home gift; to fill a large ice cream tub with a collection of stuff that you can never normally find in the house.


Merisi said...

Is there ever anything where it is supposed to be? ;-)

Re the Shakespeare store:
Sadly, there was a change of ownership.
The previous owner was a very nice and knowledgable lady, and I spent many a pretty penny in here store. My latest experience there, with the new owners, was such that I shall never again buy a book there! Not only were both the couple who work there smoking (in that tiny bookstore!!), they treated my friend and myself as if we were unworthy of their time and attention. When we selected a rather expensive paperback, they at first wanted only cash, then conceded they accept our debitcard in a way and manner, that we chose to leave the book there and left, never to come back.

sparrow said...

That is so sad Merisi. I wonder why people go into business who have that attitude. I used to have my own bookstore, and my chief delight were my customers. I still correspond with some of them, years after I left. Sigh.
Have a lovely day and thanks for letting me use your gorgeous sparrow photo.

Maalie said...

1. Keys
2. Wallet