Monday 6 October 2008

TV or not TV

We have just dished our satellite TV subscription. The channels are a complete waste of money, nothing but repeats and cheap American sitcoms. Quality news reporting is easier to find online. An unexpected bonus is I have realised how much more time I have now I don’t flop in front of the box at the end of a busy day.

So, advertising for the new high tech screens and entering the digital TV age has been somewhat lost on us.

A tangential thought. Simultaneous with dumping the TV, I am using my reading glasses more. I have a pair to keep by the bed – the other pair always accompany me with my book to cafes; hubby reads the paper, I indulge in a tome or two. A few days ago I left my glasses on whilst eating at a cafĂ©. I nearly fell over. My food was so interesting. I could see the dates in the scone, I could see the cocoa on the moccachino – a whole new world has opened up to me through fine tuned prescription glasses.

This afternoon I could see the pattern on my husband’s ice cream cone! Wow, I love my reading glasses.

From now on, I want my dessert digital, not analog!

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