Tuesday 22 September 2009

Forever grateful

I have been having trouble with my achilles tendon and more recently the back of one of my knees. in combination they have caused me to have sleepless or restless nights. During the day I have been in pain. Today I managed to see a doctor who recommended physio and losing weight. The latter is easier said than done.

As I was being pulled and manipulated in the surgery, feeling VERY sore, I had cause to give thanks. I mean, I'm 48 years old soon. I may be overweight, but at least I HAVE two legs that work. I can still walk around when I want to. I don't have to walk with calipers or crutches or sit in a wheelchair. How many tens of thousands of adults and children have lost limbs to landmines or cancer or serious accidents? How many more of my generation were born without them during the thalydamide scandal?

So, even though I'm sore and find it painful at the moment to walk, I can be thankful it is temporary.

1 comment:

rutimizrachi said...

First of all, great photo! Nice of the cats to pose.

Second, the weight: We live in a time of plenty, for the likes of us. I think that a way toward fitness is to think beyond the plenty, to the reality that we know exists beneath the surface. Sparrow, I know that you are a survivor. That means that you have the capacity to prepare yourself for "the real world." It is a world that may mean that suddenly, without warning, there will be less. The weak among us, those who did not prepare, will suffer. If we begin to prepare ourselves to need less, and to be stronger, we will survive.

A method is to train yourself for the end of days to need less. Exercise to bring yourself to an improved level of strength and endurance. We are not pretending to be thirty here. We are trying to bring ourselves to our survivable best.

For my husband and me, this is an achievable level of fitness, and of caloric requirement. Once you make it a mission for our future, you can do it.