Monday 10 December 2012

Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors 54

Art Deco lines, Parnell, Auckland


Ralph said...

The art deco shapes and details are so stylish and cool! Clad in white, it glows as we admire architectural artistry!

Ms Sparrow said...

Ditto what Ralph said! When I look at the picture, I'm reminded of San Francisco for some reason.

toby said...

Gorgeous! I also thought of SF when I saw this - an interesting combination of Bauhaus in Tel Aviv and San Francisco :)
Beautiful, whatever it is!

sparrow said...

Many of the house designs in NZ, including the very simple ones made from wood, are influenced by the architecture of California. We also have a lot of earthquakes, so it makes sense to build with wood. In Auckland's case, they sit on a string of volcanos, so wood isn't such a priority!

Carola said...

Great architecture!

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

That is quite a fascinating building will all the lines and curves. I've seem some similar ones here in Long Beach, also from the Art Deco movement.