Saturday 5 January 2008

A day to rest

Today I made a friend in Jerusalem. Her name is Shoshi.
I walked into her very beautiful shop on a street famous for artists in Jerusalem. As I didn't want to knock anything over with my rucksack like bag, I asked if I could put it next to her counter. When I moved closer, she saw the brooch I was wearing - a silver cat. She immediately started to tell me the story of her beautiful white cat Bibi, who had died and whom she missed terribly. She said the brooch was just like him. I decided to give her the brooch. At first she wouldn't take it, but as I said it would give me pleasure for her to have it, she accepted, and put it on immediately. I was flattered. She told me that she was originally from Milan, and I have to say, she was dressed as only someone from Milan could dress - with style.
We had a long conversation about cats we had known and loved. She has asked me to come back to talk to her again, and I will, taking with me a photo of my two beautiful moggies, which I hope will get her to talk about Bibi again. I think she still grieves him.
The gorgeous weather on my first day here was obviously an abberation. Yesterday we had refreshing rain, this afternoon a deluge. Much needed as the whole country is very dry.

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