Wednesday 23 April 2008

The Cat's Whiskers

For the first time since we were married, we have a lodger. He is a twenty two year old Brazilian, doing business in the capital for 3 months. It’s been wonderful for my husband to have someone to crack jokes to. At the end of a frantic day, I retreat to the bedroom to read (cat in hot pursuit), they chat in the kitchen.
Our quiet, somewhat timid tomcat has not known what to make of this boisterous latino spirit in the house. Loud laughter and arm waving have had him heading for the nearest chair to hide under. Mostly he takes residence during waking and sleeping hours on our bed. Our tortoiseshell cat has been exactly the opposite. She has flirted with this handsome lad and listened to his jokes. I’ve noticed her whiskers twitching in a less than normal way when he tells stories at the end of the day……I wasn’t aware that cats laugh, but she seems to be.

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