Wednesday 16 April 2008

A Night Like No Other Night

This weekend it is Passover. I am really excited to be a part of this feast, where the story is told of the Exodus from Egypt. I am told it is the only ancient story which has been told continuously for nearly 4000 years. No other culture has maintained an annual commemoration, uninterrupted, for so long. It is wonderful to be a part of it, to share a Seder meal - in our case in a hall with around 50 Jewish and Gentile friends.

It is also an “excuse” to fanatically clean. Well, maybe not fanatically, but certainly thoroughly. I love having a “bright as a pin” house. Since I celebrated Pesach with my husband, “Cleanliness being next to Godliness” has at least become an annual event (grin).

I’m still learning to get my head around the “No Leaven” practice. It means that pasta and home made bread is severely curtailed. And I’ve had to remember not to bulk buy flour, otherwise what to do with it?

So, Saturday evening will be a Night Like No Other Night, we will tell the story of the flight from Egypt, then have a wonderful “Free for All” feast to celebrate, especially The One whom we worship.

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