Wednesday 21 November 2007

Southern Belle

My portfolio for my course is finished, and I intend to hand it in today, a day early. I feel as if I have laid a very large egg after roosting on it for sixteen weeks.

We have just come back from a fantastic three days on the S. Island. The weather was fabulous and time spent with friends just GREAT. I would move there tomorrow, but my better half has to stay in the capital for work. Sigh – roll on retirement!

The cats are exercising their cold shoulders, but will no doubt speak to us again when they want to share the duvet. Our house sitter tolerated them interfering with her portfolio, which included them sniffing the gluesticks and playing with the double sided tape. To be left in peace, she should have just taped them both to the ceiling. Er cancel that – Otto’s weight would have brought the roof down.

A highlight, apart from seeing our friends, was stumbling across an old fashioned village fair. The local rose and peony growers and societies had filled the village hall. It was spectacular. Also present the local crafts people, including miniature makers and quilters. After speaking to the quilters, we visited an amazing shop, in the backend of beyond, devoted to quilting and sewing. Photos on Flikr.

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