Wednesday 5 November 2008

Happy Elections

To my American readers and friends, I wish you the best of the candidates for your country. Neither of them will have an enviable task taking the seat.

We have our elections on Saturday and likely we will not have a clear "winner". Then the Maori Party will be courted to bring extra numbers into the ruling government, but this will take time due to the tribal ways of making decisions. Sigh. We might have a government by the end of the year. It could be worse I suppose. I could be Belgian.

For those of you out there who believe prayer works, I would appreciate any spare prayers for my parents today. My Dad is in hospital having a lung biopsy. He is a cancer survivor (Non Hodgkins Lymphoma). Mum is 83, he is 77, and I'm the only child, and only around the corner in the planetary sense!

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