Saturday 29 December 2007

End of an era.

Ok, I know I’ve said au revoir twice now, but I’m compelled to write something about yesterday. In the afternoon I spent 40 minutes having an MRI (a noisy and uncomfortable medical procedure). In an attempt to block out the “jackhammer” noise of the magnet, I was given headphones to listen to the radio. It was a peculiar place to hear about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

Three months after her arrival back to her homeland in 1986, I was visiting a friend working for the Foreign Office in Pakistan. They were turbulent days. Riots were common and often curfews were imposed very suddenly. But in the midst of this, there was a real anticipation and hope for change.

Whatever her faults and failings (what politician doesn’t have them?), she was a remarkable lady and will be mourned by many. She was a brave woman to return once again to her country, well aware that her days may be short.

My condolences to her children and family.

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