Tuesday 19 June 2007

Early morning strategies

I do some of my most strategic thinking in the shower. This morning I planned “How to survive in an earthquake.” This was a particular survival technique related to what would happen if we got a “big one” just as I’d got out of the shower. I got to thinking, in what order would I get dressed? It didn’t take long to come up with the following order/process:

1) Woolly socks and thick sheepskin slipper boots first. Why? Because I have the coldest feet on the planet, and it would be difficult to run anywhere in bare feet.
2) Dressing gown
3) Grab bathroom towel and pyjamas – logic, you can pull things on underneath a voluminous dressing gown without losing too much modesty enroute. The bath towel would be wound round the head to keep the rest of the body warm and to act as a helmet for falling masonry.
4) As I exited the door, I would grab both cats in cat blankets, and stuff them under dressing gown, denying escape for them and adding several degrees of warmth for me.
There you have it. Totally foolproof, except I haven’t practiced yet, and judging by the look I am getting from our sofa bound tom cat, I don’t think it’s likely to happen in the near future.

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