Friday 29 June 2007

retailers in the mist

A bit of excitement yesterday, just as we were about to leave the shop for the day. I’d just taken a coffee break with two of my staff. As we tried to go back to the shop, we were stopped by security. A fire had broken out in one of the Business Class lounges. Fortunately all the flights had left for the afternoon, so there was no need to evacuate passengers, just retailers. The authorities handled it well, no panic, no sirens. I doubt anyone on the main concourse knew it had happened. But there was a lot of smoke. I don’t know what I’ll return to find today; I know that smoke damage on stock is horrendous. Four years ago, almost to the day, I experienced a fire in a shop I was managing. The air conditioning unit caught fire in the store room full of books. I attribute my grey hair to that day in July.

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